CosmicFish  Reference documentation for version 1.0
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cosmicfish_types::cosmicfish_fisher_sn Type Reference

This derived data type contains all the informations that the cosmicfish code needs to compute the Fisher matrix for supernovae. More...

Public Attributes

integer number_sn_windows
 Number of SN survey bins in redshift.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable sn_number
 Number of SN in each bin.
real(dl), dimension(:), allocatable sn_redshift_start
 Bin starting redshift.
real(dl), dimension(:), allocatable sn_redshift_end
 Bin ending redshift.
integer total_sn_number
 Total number of supernovae.
integer sn_fisher_mc_samples
 number of realizations over which the SN Fisher is computed
real(dl) alpha_sn
 fiducial value of the SN alpha
real(dl) beta_sn
 fiducial value of the SN beta
real(dl) m0_sn
 fiducial value of the SN M0
real(dl) color_dispersion
 Dispersion of the color of the mock SN cathalog.
real(dl) stretch_dispersion
 Dispersion of the stretch of the mock SN cathalog.
real(dl) magnitude_sigma
 error on the absolute magnitude
real(dl) c_sigmaz
 error in the redshift determination
real(dl) sigma_lens_0
 lensing error
real(dl) dcolor_offset
 error in the color at redshift zero
real(dl) dcolor_zcorr
 coefficient for the redshift dependence of the color error
real(dl) dshape_offset
 error in the stretch at redshift zero
real(dl) dshape_zcorr
 coefficient for the redshift dependence of the stretch error
real(dl) cov_ms_offset
 covariance between the error in magnitude and stretch at redshift zero
real(dl) cov_ms_zcorr
 coefficient for the redshift dependence of the covariance between the error in magnitude and stretch
real(dl) cov_mc_offset
 covariance between the error in magnitude and color at redshift zero
real(dl) cov_mc_zcorr
 coefficient for the redshift dependence of the covariance between the error in magnitude and color
real(dl) cov_sc_offset
 covariance between the error in stretch and color at redshift zero
real(dl) cov_sc_zcorr
 coefficient for the redshift dependence of the covariance between the error in stretch and color

Detailed Description

This derived data type contains all the informations that the cosmicfish code needs to compute the Fisher matrix for supernovae.

Definition at line 127 of file 004_cosmicfish_types.f90.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: