CosmicFish  Reference documentation for version 1.0
Looking into future Cosmology
Modules List
Here is a list of all documented modules with brief descriptions:
 Ncosmicfish_camb_interfaceThis module contains the interface layer between CosmicFish and CAMB
 Ncosmicfish_typesThis module contains the definitions of derived data types used to store the informations about the fisher calculation and experimental specifications
 Ncosmicfish_utilitiesThis module contains several general purpose utilities
 Nfisher_calculator_clsThis module contains the code that computes the Fisher matrix for Cls
 Nfisher_calculator_cls_windowsThis module contains the definition of the window functions that are used by CAMB sources
 Nfisher_calculator_derivedThis module contains the code that computes the matrix that can be used to compute the the Fisher matrix for derived parameters
 Nfisher_calculator_rdThis module contains the code that computes the Fisher matrix for Redshift Drift
 Nfisher_calculator_snThis module contains the code that computes the Fisher matrix for Supernovae measurements
 Nfisher_manipulationThis module contains the subroutine and functions to carry out Fisher matrix manipulations
 Ninit_from_fileThis module contains the subroutine and functions to initialize camb and cosmicfish from a parameter file
 NlensnoiseThis module contains the code to compute the noise for CMB lensing
 Nmatrix_utilitiesThis module contains the subroutine and functions to manipulate and modify matrices
 Nrandom_utilitiesThis module contains the subroutine and functions to generate random numbers from different distributions. This file contains part of code from the CosmoMC code with some additions and some modifications. The part coming from the CosmoMC code is copyrighted by its author