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Reference documentation for version 1.0
Looking into future Cosmology
▼ apps | |
fisher_matrix_calculator.f90 | This file contains a program that, exploiting the CosmicFish library, creates Fisher matrices for several cosmological experiments |
▼ sources | |
000_Utilities.f90 | This file contains several utilities |
001_Matrix_utilities.f90 | This file contains several subroutine and functions that can be used to manipulate and modify matrices. For many of them it is simply a wrapper to LAPACK |
002_Random_utilities.f90 | This file contains several subroutine and functions that can be used to generate random numbers from different distributions |
003_Fisher_manipulation.f90 | This file contains several subroutine and functions that can be used to manipulate and modify a Fisher matrix |
004_cosmicfish_types.f90 | This file contains the definitions of derived data types used to store the informations about the fisher calculation and experimental specifications |
005_init_from_file.f90 | This file contains the subroutines that are needed to initialize camb and cosmicfish with a parameter file |
006_cosmicfish_camb_interface.f90 | This file contains the interface layer between CosmicFish and CAMB. It decide how to handle Fisher parameters and how to call camb appropriately |
007_FUTURCMB_lensnoise.f90 | This file contains the relevant code to compute the noise for CMB lensing. This code was developed by Laurence Perotto and Julien Lesgourgues that retain the copyright for the following code. This source file was modified by Marco Raveri to use it with the CosmicFish code |
008_Fisher_calculator_Cls.f90 | This file contains the code that computes the Fisher matrix for Cls |
008_Fisher_calculator_Cls_windows.f90 | This file contains the definition of the window functions that are used by CAMB sources. If the considered experiement has a window that is not already implemennted here is the place to code it |
009_Fisher_calculator_SN.f90 | This file contains the code that computes the Fisher matrix for Supernovae measurements |
010_Fisher_calculator_Mpk.f90 | This file contains the code that computes the Fisher matrix for the Matter power spectrum |
011_Fisher_calculator_RD.f90 | This file contains the code that computes the Fisher matrix for Redshift Drift. Reference paper: http://arxiv.org/abs/1210.7166 |
012_Fisher_calculator_derived.f90 | This file contains the code that computes the matrix that is needed to obtain the Fisher matrix for derived parameters |