
Module that contains the fisher_derived class and the operations defined on it. This is meant to handle efficiently and safely Jacobian matrices transforming a Fisher matrix for some parameters to a Fisher matrix for some other parameters.

class cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_derived.fisher_derived(derived_matrix=None, param_names=None, derived_param_names=None, param_names_latex=None, derived_param_names_latex=None, fiducial=None, fiducial_derived=None, file_name=None)[source]

This class contains the relevant code to define a matrix that contains the relevant information to reparametrize a Fisher matrix. Generally this is a rectangular matrix containing the Jacobian of the transformation from the original Fisher to the derived one.

  • derived_matrix – Numpy array containing the Jacobian of the transformation between the Fisher matrix and the derived Fisher matrix. Passed to the constructor of by file.
  • path – Absolute path of the input Jacobian matrix. Computed at initialization if passing a file.
  • name – Name of the input Jacobian matrix. Computed at initialization if passing a file.
  • indir – Absolute path of the directory containing the input Jacobian matrix. Computed at initialization if passing a file.
  • num_params – Number of base parameters of the Jacobian matrix.
  • num_derived – Number of derived parameters.
  • param_names – Names of the base parameters. Used as the identifier of the parameters. Initialized, if possible, through a .paramnames file.
  • param_names_latex – LaTeX names of the base parameters.
  • param_fiducial – Numpy array with the values of the fiducial of the base parameters. Passed to the constructor or by file.
  • derived_param_names – Names of the derived parameters. Used as the identifier of the parameters. Initialized, if possible, through a .paramnames file.
  • derived_param_names_latex – LaTeX names of the derived parameters.
  • derived_param_fiducial – Numpy array with the values of the fiducial of the derived parameters. Passed to the constructor or by file.

fisher_derived class constructor. The class constructor will read from file the Fisher derived matrix if it is initialized with the name of a file (and the file exists). Otherwise it will read the matrix and the parameter names as passed by the user.

  • derived_matrix (2D list or numpy.array) – array containing the input Jacobian matrix.
  • param_names (list of string) – names of the parameters of the derived parameters. If initialized from file it will read them if a file file_name.paramnames is found. If it is none when itialized from python it will just use some defaults names (p1, p2,...).
  • derived_param_names (list of string) – names of the derived parameters. If initialized from file it will read them if a file file_name.paramnames and expects them to have a * appened. If it is none when itialized from python it will just use some defaults names.
  • param_names_latex (list of string) – LaTeX names of the parameters of the Jacobian matrix also appearing in the Fisher matrix.
  • derived_param_names_latex (list of string) – LaTeX names of the parameters of the Jacobian matrix that are derived parameters.
  • fiducial (list of float or numpy.array) – values of the fiducial parameters of the Fisher matrix. If initialized from file it will have the value found in .paramnames. If not found on a file it will be zero. Passing it to the constructor overwrites the values.
  • fiducial_derived (list of float or numpy.array) – values of the fiducial derived parameters. If initialized from file it will have the value found in .paramnames. If not found on a file it will be zero. Passing it to the constructor overwrites the values.
  • file_name (string) – name of the file (and path) of the input Jacobian matrix.
add_derived(fisher_matrix, preserve_input=False)[source]

This function computes the derived fisher_matrix given an input Fisher matrix based on the Jacobian contained in derived_matrix.

  • fisher_matrix (cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix) – input Fisher matrix that will be used as a base for the derived Fisher matrix.
  • preserve_input (bool) – wether to preserve input parameters in the output Fisher. Default to false because it might lead to strage results if not used properly.

output Fisher matrix with derived parameters.

Return type:


Returns:the derived Jacobian matrix.
Returns:the derived parameter fiducial values.
Returns:the derived parameters names.
Returns:the LaTeX version of the derived parameters names.
Returns:the base parameter fiducial values.
Returns:the base parameter names.
Returns:the LaTeX version of the base parameter names.

Loads the paramnames array, of a derived Fisher matrix, from a file

Parameters:file_name (string) – (optional) file name and path of the parameter names file. If file_name is None this reads the file