Source code for cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_derived

# This file is part of CosmicFish.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 by the CosmicFish authors
# The CosmicFish code is free software;
# You can use it, redistribute it, and/or modify it under the terms
# of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
# the top level of the CosmicFish distribution.

.. module:: fisher_derived
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Module that contains the fisher_derived class and the operations defined on it.
              This is meant to handle efficiently and safely Jacobian matrices transforming a 
              Fisher matrix for some parameters to a Fisher matrix for some other parameters.

.. moduleauthor:: Marco Raveri <> for the CosmicFish code.


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import os
import math
import copy
import numpy as np
import utilities as fu
import fisher_matrix as fm

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[docs]class fisher_derived(): """ This class contains the relevant code to define a matrix that contains the relevant information to reparametrize a Fisher matrix. Generally this is a rectangular matrix containing the Jacobian of the transformation from the original Fisher to the derived one. :ivar derived_matrix: Numpy array containing the Jacobian of the transformation between the Fisher matrix and the derived Fisher matrix. Passed to the constructor of by file. :ivar path: Absolute path of the input Jacobian matrix. Computed at initialization if passing a file. :ivar name: Name of the input Jacobian matrix. Computed at initialization if passing a file. :ivar indir: Absolute path of the directory containing the input Jacobian matrix. Computed at initialization if passing a file. :ivar num_params: Number of base parameters of the Jacobian matrix. :ivar num_derived: Number of derived parameters. :ivar param_names: Names of the base parameters. Used as the identifier of the parameters. Initialized, if possible, through a .paramnames file. :ivar param_names_latex: LaTeX names of the base parameters. :ivar param_fiducial: Numpy array with the values of the fiducial of the base parameters. Passed to the constructor or by file. :ivar derived_param_names: Names of the derived parameters. Used as the identifier of the parameters. Initialized, if possible, through a .paramnames file. :ivar derived_param_names_latex: LaTeX names of the derived parameters. :ivar derived_param_fiducial: Numpy array with the values of the fiducial of the derived parameters. Passed to the constructor or by file. """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # class getters:
[docs] def get_derived_matrix(self): """ :returns: the derived Jacobian matrix. """ return self.derived_matrix
[docs] def get_param_names(self): """ :returns: the base parameter names. """ return self.param_names
[docs] def get_param_names_latex(self): """ :returns: the LaTeX version of the base parameter names. """ return self.param_names_latex
[docs] def get_param_fiducial(self): """ :returns: the base parameter fiducial values. """ return self.param_fiducial
[docs] def get_derived_param_names(self): """ :returns: the derived parameters names. """ return self.derived_param_names
[docs] def get_derived_param_names_latex(self): """ :returns: the LaTeX version of the derived parameters names. """ return self.derived_param_names_latex
[docs] def get_derived_param_fiducial(self): """ :returns: the derived parameter fiducial values. """ return self.derived_param_fiducial
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__( self, derived_matrix=None, param_names=None, derived_param_names=None, param_names_latex=None, derived_param_names_latex=None, fiducial=None, fiducial_derived=None, file_name=None ): """ **fisher_derived class constructor**. The class constructor will read from file the Fisher derived matrix if it is initialized with the name of a file (and the file exists). Otherwise it will read the matrix and the parameter names as passed by the user. :param derived_matrix: array containing the input Jacobian matrix. :type derived_matrix: 2D :class:`list` or :class:`numpy.array` :param param_names: names of the parameters of the derived parameters. If initialized from file it will read them if a file file_name.paramnames is found. If it is none when itialized from python it will just use some defaults names (p1, p2,...). :type param_names: :class:`list` of :class:`string` :param derived_param_names: names of the derived parameters. If initialized from file it will read them if a file file_name.paramnames and expects them to have a * appened. If it is none when itialized from python it will just use some defaults names. :type derived_param_names: :class:`list` of :class:`string` :param param_names_latex: LaTeX names of the parameters of the Jacobian matrix also appearing in the Fisher matrix. :type param_names_latex: :class:`list` of :class:`string` :param derived_param_names_latex: LaTeX names of the parameters of the Jacobian matrix that are derived parameters. :type derived_param_names_latex: :class:`list` of :class:`string` :param fiducial: values of the fiducial parameters of the Fisher matrix. If initialized from file it will have the value found in .paramnames. If not found on a file it will be zero. Passing it to the constructor overwrites the values. :type fiducial: :class:`list` of :class:`float` or :class:`numpy.array` :param fiducial_derived: values of the fiducial derived parameters. If initialized from file it will have the value found in .paramnames. If not found on a file it will be zero. Passing it to the constructor overwrites the values. :type fiducial_derived: :class:`list` of :class:`float` or :class:`numpy.array` :param file_name: name of the file (and path) of the input Jacobian matrix. :type file_name: :class:`string` """ # check that the input is legal: if derived_matrix is None and file_name is None: raise ValueError('Error in initializing the Fisher Jacobian matrix: derived_matrix and file_name are both None.') # initialize class members: self.derived_matrix = np.array([]) self.path = '' = '' self.indir = '' self.num_params = 0 self.num_derived = 0 self.param_names = [] self.param_names_latex = [] self.param_fiducial = np.array([]) self.derived_param_names = [] self.derived_param_names_latex = [] self.derived_param_fiducial = np.array([]) # initialize the Jacobian matrix: if derived_matrix is None: # initialize from file: self.derived_matrix = np.loadtxt(file_name) # get the file name and path: self.path = os.path.abspath(file_name) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_name))[0] self.indir = os.path.dirname(self.path) else: # read the fisher matrix from input: self.derived_matrix = np.array(derived_matrix) # protection against 1D Fisher matrices if np.ndim(self.derived_matrix) == 0: self.derived_matrix = np.array([[self.derived_matrix]]) elif np.ndim(self.derived_matrix) == 1: self.derived_matrix = np.array([self.derived_matrix]) # get the number of parameters: self.num_params = self.derived_matrix.shape[0] self.num_derived = self.derived_matrix.shape[1] # load the parameter names: if param_names is None or derived_param_names is None: try: self.load_paramnames_from_file() except ValueError: self.param_names = [ 'p'+str(i+1) for i in xrange(self.num_params) ] self.param_names_latex = [ 'p'+str(i+1) for i in xrange(self.num_params) ] self.param_fiducial = np.array( [0.0 for i in self.param_names] ) self.derived_param_names = [ 'p'+str(i+1) for i in xrange(self.num_params, self.num_derived+self.num_params) ] self.derived_param_names_latex = [ 'p'+str(i+1) for i in xrange(self.num_params, self.num_derived+self.num_params) ] self.derived_param_fiducial = np.array( [0.0 for i in self.derived_param_names] ) else: self.param_names = copy.deepcopy(param_names) self.param_names_latex = copy.deepcopy(param_names) self.param_fiducial = np.array( [0.0 for i in self.param_names] ) self.derived_param_names = copy.deepcopy(derived_param_names) self.derived_param_names_latex = copy.deepcopy(derived_param_names) self.derived_param_fiducial = np.array( [0.0 for i in self.derived_param_names] ) # over write what is explicitly given: if param_names is not None: self.param_names = copy.deepcopy( param_names ) if param_names_latex is not None: self.param_names_latex = copy.deepcopy(param_names_latex) if fiducial is not None: self.param_fiducial = np.array( copy.deepcopy(fiducial) ) if derived_param_names is not None: self.derived_param_names = copy.deepcopy( derived_param_names ) if derived_param_names_latex is not None: self.derived_param_names_latex = copy.deepcopy( derived_param_names_latex ) if fiducial_derived is not None: self.derived_param_fiducial = np.array( copy.deepcopy(fiducial_derived) ) # check the validity: if len(self.param_names) != self.num_params: raise ValueError('The input param_names has not '+str(self.num_params)+' elements.') if len(self.param_names_latex) != self.num_params: raise ValueError('The input param_names_latex has not '+str(self.num_params)+' elements.') if len(self.param_fiducial) != self.num_params: raise ValueError('The input param_fiducial has not '+str(self.num_params)+' elements.') if len(self.derived_param_names) != self.num_derived: raise ValueError('The input derived_param_names has not '+str(self.num_derived)+' elements.') if len(self.derived_param_names_latex) != self.num_derived: raise ValueError('The input derived_param_names_latex has not '+str(self.num_derived)+' elements.') if len(self.derived_param_fiducial) != self.num_derived: raise ValueError('The input derived_param_fiducial has not '+str(self.num_derived)+' elements.') # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def load_paramnames_from_file( self, file_name=None ): """ Loads the paramnames array, of a derived Fisher matrix, from a file :param file_name: (optional) file name and path of the parameter names file. If file_name is None this reads the file :type file_name: :class:`string` """ if file_name is None: name = self.indir+'/''.paramnames' else: name = file_name # check wether the file exists: if not os.path.isfile(name): raise ValueError('No .paramnames file found at: '+name) # init: param_names = [] param_names_latex = [] param_fiducial = [] derived_param_names = [] derived_param_names_latex = [] derived_param_fiducial = [] # parse: with open(name) as f: for line in f: if line[0]!='#' and line[1]!='#': split_line = [ i.strip() for i in line.split(' ') ] split_line = [ i for i in split_line if i is not '' ] temp_line=split_line[0].strip() if temp_line[-1]=='*': derived_param_names.append(temp_line[0:-1]) if len(split_line) == 1: # latex and fiducial missing: derived_param_names_latex.append(temp_line[0:-1]) derived_param_fiducial.append(0.0) elif len(split_line) == 2: # one of the two is missing: try: temp = float(split_line[1].strip()) derived_param_fiducial.append(temp) derived_param_names_latex.append(temp_line[0:-1]) except: temp = 0.0 derived_param_fiducial.append(temp) derived_param_names_latex.append(split_line[1].strip()) elif len(split_line) >= 3: # nothing is missing: derived_param_names_latex.append(split_line[1].strip()) derived_param_fiducial.append(float(split_line[2].strip())) else: param_names.append(temp_line) if len(split_line) == 1: # latex and fiducial missing: param_names_latex.append(split_line[0].strip()) param_fiducial.append(0.0) elif len(split_line) == 2: # one of the two is missing: try: temp = float(split_line[1].strip()) param_fiducial.append(temp) param_names_latex.append(split_line[0].strip()) except: temp = 0.0 param_fiducial.append(temp) param_names_latex.append(split_line[1].strip()) elif len(split_line) >= 3: # nothing is missing: param_names_latex.append(split_line[1].strip()) param_fiducial.append(float(split_line[2].strip())) # check the valitidy of the result: if len(derived_param_names) != self.num_derived: raise ValueError('Wrong number of derived parameters in the .paramnames file') # save the result: self.param_names = param_names self.param_names_latex = param_names_latex self.param_fiducial = param_fiducial self.derived_param_names = derived_param_names self.derived_param_names_latex = derived_param_names_latex self.derived_param_fiducial = derived_param_fiducial
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def add_derived( self, fisher_matrix, preserve_input=False ): """ This function computes the derived fisher_matrix given an input Fisher matrix based on the Jacobian contained in derived_matrix. :param fisher_matrix: input Fisher matrix that will be used as a base for the derived Fisher matrix. :type fisher_matrix: :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` :param preserve_input: wether to preserve input parameters in the output Fisher. Default to false because it might lead to strage results if not used properly. :type preserve_input: :class:`bool` :return: output Fisher matrix with derived parameters. :rtype: :class:`cosmicfish_pylib.fisher_matrix.fisher_matrix` """ # check the type of the input Fisher matrix: if ( not isinstance(fisher_matrix, fm.fisher_matrix) ): raise ValueError('Error, input fisher_matrix is not a fisher_matrix') # check if the fisher matrix is compatible with the fisher_derived matrix: if ( fisher_matrix.param_names != self.param_names): raise ValueError('Error, paramnames of derived matrix and fisher matrix do not match') # check wether the two fiducials are the same: if not np.allclose(self.param_fiducial, fisher_matrix.param_fiducial ): raise ValueError('Error, fiducial of derived matrix and fisher matrix do not match') # create the new parameter names: if preserve_input: temp_param_names = fisher_matrix.param_names + self.derived_param_names temp_param_names_latex = fisher_matrix.param_names_latex + self.derived_param_names_latex temp_param_fiducial = np.append(fisher_matrix.param_fiducial, self.derived_param_fiducial) else: temp_param_names = self.derived_param_names temp_param_names_latex = self.derived_param_names_latex temp_param_fiducial = self.derived_param_fiducial # prepare the derived matrix to preserve the original prameters: if preserve_input: temp_derived_matrix = np.hstack( (np.identity( self.num_params ), self.derived_matrix) ) else: temp_derived_matrix = self.derived_matrix # compute the derived inverse Fisher matrix: A = temp_derived_matrix AT = np.transpose( temp_derived_matrix ) original_fisher = fisher_matrix.get_fisher_inverse() fisher_new_inverse =, fisher_matrix.get_fisher_inverse() ), A ) # get initial PCA and spectral cutoff: (w,v) = fisher_matrix.PCA() initial_cutoff = fisher_matrix.fisher_cutoff constrained_eigen = [ i for i in w if i> 1.1*initial_cutoff ] initial_best_mode = 1.0/np.amax(constrained_eigen) initial_worse_mode = 1.0/np.amin(constrained_eigen) # get the new matrix spectrum: (w_new, v_new) = np.linalg.eigh( fisher_new_inverse ) # establish the cutoff. This is chosen to leave unaltered the original eigenvalues of the Fisher matrix as much as we can. spectral_width = ( np.log10( fisher_matrix.fisher_spectrum ) -(np.log10( initial_worse_mode) - np.log10( initial_best_mode )) ) /2.0 upper_cutoff = 10.0**(np.log10(initial_worse_mode)+spectral_width) lower_cutoff = 10.0**(np.log10(initial_best_mode)-spectral_width) # check the cutoff: if np.amin(np.abs(w_new))<lower_cutoff or np.amax(np.abs(w_new))>upper_cutoff: print 'WARNING: in add_derived name:',, ' fisher:', print '** derived parameters are strongly degenerate and might alter the quality of the original Fisher matrix.' print '** Try removing degenerate parameters from the Fisher matrix and the derived matrix to get rid of this warning.' # apply the cutoff: if preserve_input: temp = np.zeros((self.num_params + self.num_derived, self.num_params + self.num_derived), float) else: temp = np.zeros(( self.num_derived, self.num_derived), float) for i, el in enumerate(temp): if w_new[i] < lower_cutoff: temp[i,i] = 1.0/( lower_cutoff ) elif np.abs(w_new[i]) > upper_cutoff: temp[i,i] = 1.0/( upper_cutoff ) else: temp[i,i] = 1.0/w_new[i] # rebuild the Fisher matrix: fisher_new_inverse = v_new,, np.transpose(v_new) )) # return the new Fisher matrix: fisher_matrix_new = fm.fisher_matrix( fisher_matrix=fisher_new_inverse, param_names=temp_param_names, param_names_latex=temp_param_names_latex, fiducial=temp_param_fiducial ) fisher_matrix_new.path = fisher_matrix.path if preserve_input: = else: ='_derived' fisher_matrix_new.indir = fisher_matrix.indir # return the new Fisher matrix with the derived parameters return fisher_matrix_new
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