
A collection of color utilities.

nice_colors This function returns a color from a colormap defined below according to the number entered.
bash_colors This class contains the necessary definitions to print to bash screen with colors.
class cosmicfish_pylib.colors.bash_colors[source]

This class contains the necessary definitions to print to bash screen with colors. Sometimes it can be useful and nice!

  • HEADER – ANSI color for light purple.
  • OKBLUE – ANSI color for blue.
  • OKGREEN – ANSI color for green.
  • WARNING – ANSI color for yellow.
  • FAIL – ANSI color for red.
  • BOLD – ANSI code for bold text.
  • UNDERLINE – ANSI code for underlined text.
  • ENDC – ANSI code to restore the bash default.
BOLD = '\x1b[1m'

ANSI code for bold text.

ENDC = '\x1b[0m'

ANSI code to restore the bash default.

FAIL = '\x1b[91m'

ANSI color for red.

HEADER = '\x1b[95m'

ANSI color for light purple.

OKBLUE = '\x1b[94m'

ANSI color for blue.

OKGREEN = '\x1b[92m'

ANSI color for green.

UNDERLINE = '\x1b[4m'

ANSI code for underlined text.

WARNING = '\x1b[93m'

ANSI color for yellow.


Function that returns a string that can be printed to bash in cosmicfish_pylib.colors.bash_colors.OKBLUE color.

Parameters:string (string) – input string.
Returns:the input string with the relevant ANSI code at the beginning and at the end.
Return type:string

Function that returns a string that can be printed to bash in cosmicfish_pylib.colors.bash_colors.BOLD color.

Parameters:string (string) – input string.
Returns:the input string with the relevant ANSI code at the beginning and at the end.
Return type:string

Function that returns a string that can be printed to bash in cosmicfish_pylib.colors.bash_colors.FAIL color.

Parameters:string (string) – input string.
Returns:the input string with the relevant ANSI code at the beginning and at the end.
Return type:string

Function that returns a string that can be printed to bash in cosmicfish_pylib.colors.bash_colors.OKGREEN color.

Parameters:string (string) – input string.
Returns:the input string with the relevant ANSI code at the beginning and at the end.
Return type:string

Function that returns a string that can be printed to bash in cosmicfish_pylib.colors.bash_colors.HEADER color.

Parameters:string (string) – input string.
Returns:the input string with the relevant ANSI code at the beginning and at the end.
Return type:string

Function that returns a string that can be printed to bash in cosmicfish_pylib.colors.bash_colors.UNDERLINE color.

Parameters:string (string) – input string.
Returns:the input string with the relevant ANSI code at the beginning and at the end.
Return type:string

Function that returns a string that can be printed to bash in cosmicfish_pylib.colors.bash_colors.WARNING color.

Parameters:string (string) – input string.
Returns:the input string with the relevant ANSI code at the beginning and at the end.
Return type:string

This function returns a color from a colormap defined below according to the number entered.

Parameters:num (int or float) – input number. Can be an integer or float. Notice that the colormap contains only a small numbers of colors. Even if the input is a float the output will still be one of the few colors in the colormap.
Returns:tuple of float containing the three RGB coordinates of the color.
Return type:tuple