
Simple Python code to compute the narginal bounds of a set of Fisher matrices.

The ouput will be printed on screen if an output root is not provided.

Invoking the help option -h will result in:

usage: [-h] [-o OUTROOT] [-p PARAMS [PARAMS ...]] [-s SUM_FISH] [-e]
             [-d] [-l] [-i INI_FILE] [-v] [-q]
             files [files ...]

confidence bounds calculator

positional arguments:
  files                 a list of files with Fisher matrices

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTROOT, --outroot OUTROOT
                        path and name of the output file. If this option is
                        not present the name and path of the first Fisher
                        matrix will be used
  -p PARAMS [PARAMS ...], --params PARAMS [PARAMS ...]
                        names of the parameters to plot. If this option is not
                        present the plot will contain all parameters.
  -s SUM_FISH, --sum SUM_FISH
                        decides wether to sum all the input Fisher matrices.
                        If selected the argument will be the label of the
                        Fisher matrices combination
  -e, --eliminate       if parameters are passed from the command line this
                        option avoids marginalization over the others
  -d, --derived         decides wether to look for derived parameters when
                        importing the Fisher matrix
  -l, --latex           decides wether output the bounds in LaTeX format
  -i INI_FILE, --ini INI_FILE
                        name and path of an input file with options
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -q, --quiet           decides wether something gets printed to screen or not

Developed by Marco Raveri ( and Matteo Martinelli ( for the CosmicFish code.