# This file is part of CosmicFish.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 by the CosmicFish authors
# The CosmicFish code is free software;
# You can use it, redistribute it, and/or modify it under the terms
# of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
# the top level of the CosmicFish distribution.
.. module:: utilities
:platform: Unix
:synopsis: A collection of small utilities.
.. moduleauthor:: Marco Raveri <mraveri@sissa.it> for the CosmicFish code.
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import math
import numpy as np
import scipy.special as sp
import itertools as it
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[docs]def num_to_mant_exp( num ):
This function returns the (base 10) exponent and mantissa of a number.
:param num: input number.
:type num: :class:`int` or :class:`float`
:return: tuple (mantissa, exponent) of :class:`int` containing the mantissa and the exponent of the input number.
:rtype: tuple
exponent = math.floor(math.log10(abs(num)))
except ValueError: # Case of log10(0)
return (0, 0) # Convention: 0 = 0*10^0
mantissa = num/10**exponent
return (mantissa, int(exponent))
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[docs]def mant_exp_to_num( mant_exp ):
This function returns a float built with the given (base 10) mantissa and exponent.
:param mant_exp: (mantissa, exponent) a tuple of two :class:`int` with the mantissa and the exponent of the input number.
:type mant_exp: tuple
:return: output number built as mantissa*10**exponent.
:rtype: :class:`float`
return mant_exp[0]*10**mant_exp[1]
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[docs]def nice_number( num, mode=0 ):
This function returns a nice number built with num. This is useful to build the axes of a plot.
The nice number is built by taking the first digit of the number.
:param num: input number
:type num: :class:`float` or :class:`int`
:param mode: (optional) operation to use to build the nice number
| 0 -- use ceil
| 1 -- use round
| 2 -- use floor
:type mode: :class:`int`
:return: a nice number!
:rtype: :class:`float`
# extract the mantissa
exponent = num_to_mant_exp( num )[1]
# select the working mode
if ( mode==0 ):
mantissa = np.ceil( num_to_mant_exp( num )[0])
elif ( mode==1 ):
mantissa = np.round( num_to_mant_exp( num )[0])
elif ( mode==2 ):
mantissa = np.floor( num_to_mant_exp( num )[0])
raise ValueError( 'Wrong worging mode for Fisher_utilities.nice_number' )
return mant_exp_to_num( ( mantissa, exponent ) )
v_nice_number = np.vectorize(nice_number)
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[docs]def significant_digits( num_err, mode=0 ):
This function returns the number in num_err at the precision of error.
:param num_err: (number, error) input number and error in a tuple.
:type num_err: tuple
:param mode: (optional) operation to use to build the number
| 0 -- use ceil
| 1 -- use round
| 2 -- use floor
:type mode: :class:`int`
:return: a number with all the significant digits according to error
:rtype: :class:`float`
number = num_err[0]
error = num_err[1]
number_mant_exp = num_to_mant_exp(number)
error_mant_exp = num_to_mant_exp(error)
temp = mant_exp_to_num( (number_mant_exp[0], number_mant_exp[1]-error_mant_exp[1]) )
# select the working mode
if ( mode==0 ):
temp = np.ceil( temp )
elif ( mode==1 ):
temp = np.round( temp )
elif ( mode==2 ):
temp = np.floor( temp )
raise ValueError('Fisher_utilities.significant_digits called with mode='+str(mode)+' legal values are 0,1,2')
return temp*10**(error_mant_exp[1])
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[docs]def confidence_coefficient( confidence_level ):
This function returns the number of sigmas given a confidence level.
:param confidence_level: desired confidence level. Between 0 and 1.
:type confidence_level: :class:`float`
:return: the coefficient (number of sigmas) for the desired confidence level.
:rtype: :class:`float`
return np.sqrt(2.)*sp.erfinv(confidence_level)
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[docs]def print_table(table):
This function prints on the screen a nicely formatted table.
:param table: a 2D list that should be printed on the screen.
# transpose the table:
table = map(list, zip(*table))
# get the column width:
col_width = [max(len(str(x)) for x in col) for col in zip(*table)]
# print it to screen:
for line in table:
print "| " + " | ".join("{:{}}".format(x, col_width[i]) for i, x in enumerate(line)) + " |"
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[docs]def make_list( elements ):
Checks if elements is a list.
If yes returns elements without modifying it.
If not creates and return a list with elements inside.
:param elements: an element or a list of elements
:return: a list containing elements if elements is not a list, elements otherwise.
:rtype: list
if isinstance(elements, (list, tuple)):
return elements
return [elements]
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[docs]def grouper( n, iterable, fillvalue=None ):
This small function regroups a list in sub lists of n elements
:param n: an element or a list of elements
:param iterable: input list
:param fillvalue: value to put to fill if no element is present
:return: a list of list containing grouped elements
:rtype: list
args = [iter(iterable)]*n
return list( it.izip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args) )
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