CosmicFish  Reference documentation for version 1.0
Looking into future Cosmology
Modules | Functions/Subroutines
012_Fisher_calculator_derived.f90 File Reference

This file contains the code that computes the matrix that is needed to obtain the Fisher matrix for derived parameters. More...

Go to the source code of this file.


module  fisher_calculator_derived
 This module contains the code that computes the matrix that can be used to compute the the Fisher matrix for derived parameters.


subroutine, public fisher_calculator_derived::dimension_derived_parameters (P, FP, num)
 This subroutine returns the number of derived parameters. More...
subroutine, public fisher_calculator_derived::compute_derived_parameters (P, FP, derived, num, err)
 This subroutine returns an array of derived parameters given CAMB parameters. More...
subroutine, public fisher_calculator_derived::fisher_derived_param_names (P, FP, param_number, param_name, param_name_latex)
 This subroutine returns the name corresponding to a derived parameter number. More...
subroutine, public fisher_calculator_derived::derived_parameter_derivative (P, FP, param_num, derived_initial, derived_derivative, derived_der_error, initial_step, num_param, error_code)
 This subroutine computes the derivative of derived parameters. The calculation is carried out with a fixed stepsize finite difference formula or by the Richardson’s deferred approach to the limit. More...
subroutine, public fisher_calculator_derived::fisher_derived (P_in, FP_in, num_param, num_derived, Derived_Matrix, outroot)
 This subroutine computes the Fisher matrix for derived parameters. More...
subroutine, public fisher_calculator_derived::save_derived_fisher_to_file (P_in, FP_in, num_params, num_derived, matrix, filename)
 This subroutine saves the Fisher derived matrix to file taking care of putting into the file all the relevant informations. More...
subroutine, public fisher_calculator_derived::save_derived_paramnames_to_file (P_in, FP_in, num_params, num_derived, filename)
 This subroutine saves a file containing the parameter names for the derived Fisher matrix run. More...

Detailed Description

This file contains the code that computes the matrix that is needed to obtain the Fisher matrix for derived parameters.

Definition in file 012_Fisher_calculator_derived.f90.